Graphics Press LLC P.O. Box 430 Cheshire, CT 06410 800 822-2454
Edward Tufte is a statistician and artist, and Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Statistics, and Computer Science at Yale University. He wrote, designed, and self-published 4 classic books on data visualization. The New York Times described ET as the "Leonardo da Vinci of data," and Bloomberg as the "Galileo of graphics." He is now completing a book Meaning, Space, Models, Data, Truth, and constructing a 234-acre tree farm and sculpture park in northwest Connecticut, which will show his artworks and remain open space in perpetuity. He founded Graphics Press, ET Modern Gallery/Studio, and Hogpen Hill Farms.
A new, widely-adopted method for presentations: meetings are smarter, more effective, 20% shorter.
Fundamental design strategies for all information displays: sentences, tables, diagrams, maps, charts, images, video, data visualizations, and randomized displays for making graphical statistical inferences.
New ideas on spectatorship, consuming reports. How to assess the credibility
of a presentation and its presenter, how to detect cherry-picking, how to reason
about alternative explanations.
Standards of comparison for workaday and for cutting edge visualizations.
How to identify excellent information architectures and use them as models
and comparison sets for your own work and for the work of your contractors.
Monitoring the designs of others.
The future of information displays: 4K, 6K, 8K video maps moving in time.
Practical examples are from everywhere: science, social science, music, business, finance, sports, art, medicine, architecture, NASA, government reports.
Edward Tufte teaches the entire course.
Each student receives all four ET books on information design:
"One visionary day....the insights of this class lead to new levels of understanding both for creators and viewers of visual displays." WIRED
"The Leonardo da Vinci of data." THE NEW YORK TIMES
"The Galileo of graphics." BLOOMBERG
Dates for Edward Tufte: Presenting Data and Information
$32 each, $100 for all 4 catalog + shopping cart

Inge Druckrey's wonderful teaching is an inspiration.” Luke Geissbuhler,
cinematographer of Helvetica “A great story beautifully told.” Ken Carbone
An ET MODERN film, 37 minutes, all for free click above.
Directed by Edward Tufte, Produced by Andrei Severny
黑洞vqn加速-黑洞vn加速器官网-黑洞加速下载器永久免费-黑洞vqn加速Hogpen Hill Farms artworks
Continuous silent megaliths: structures of unknown significance
The Twigs: Landscape artworks made from steel and air
![]() Airstream Interplanetary Explorer
Sentences off the Grid
Geese taking flight (300 frames/second)
Magritte's Smile (giant fish)
Flowing Steel Confections
Bouquet sculptures
Stainless steel engravings
Artful Feynman Diagrams
![]() Philosophical Diamond Signs
Bookprints: 16 new prints
![]() Rocket Science #2 (Lunar Lander)
Ironstone artworks, torqued steel
Image data quilts: our new website
Beautiful Evidence chronicles
Tong Bird of Paradise
![]() Drawing Center show: ET art
Dogs+art: Whose hermeneutic?
Designing a museum garden
Alley Art
![]() Sculpture forgings (blacksmith work)
Stonespace and Airspace = Lacy Stone Walls
Hogpen Hill Farms LLC: Architectural evergreens and ornamental grasses
Millstone sculpture, 1-8
Binterview with ET
Airspaces sculpture
Ace and Porta do multimedia
Buddha with Bird Nest: sculpture
![]() Flame Theater
![]() Seeing Around: new ET essay
Horizons, vistas, and skylines
Art Theorists Speak Out Cartoonishly
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Porta and the Birds (300 frames/second)
Table sculptures
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Skewed Machine sculpture
Sheep visit landscape sculpture
12 reviews, ET art exhibits
Babar's dream (and framing books)
![]() Spring Arcs, landscape artwork
Sculpture theory and practice
Dog sculptures
![]() Bird Series
ZZ Smile (Zerlina's Smile) sculpture
Dear Leader sculpture
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Sentences off the Grid
Sparkline theory and practice
Lousy PowerPoint: Fault of users?
Artful Feynman Diagrams
Lists: design and construction, by Edward Tufte
iPhone interface design
Maps moving in time: a standard of excellence for data displays
Practical advice for medical patients
PowerPoint does rocket science + better techniques for technical reports
Beautiful Evidence chronicles
Advice for effective analytical reasoning
![]() Megan Jaegerman's brilliant news graphics
Making better inferences from statistical graphics Edward Tufte
Image data quilts: our new website
Cancer survival rates: tables, graphs
Feynman-Tufte Principle
Table and timetable design and typography
Dashboards: decision displays
Field color charts: salmon, leaf, dog . . .
Binterview with ET
Feynman,"Nature cannot be fooled"
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Pioneer space plaque
![]() Bookprints: 16 new prints
Geese taking flight (300 frames/second)
Slopegraphs for comparing gradients: Slopegraph theory and practice
The meaning of "pessimal"
Corrupt presentation techniques
Walking maps (and minimizing the visual interface)
London Underground maps
Taking logarithms in statistical data
Goldberg and Design Variations
![]() Music Animation Machine
Links, networks, causal diagrams
Scaling and scale models
Airstream Interplanetary Explorer
Analytical design and human factors
Instructions at the point of need
Mapped pictures: image annotation
Patient-doctor data exchange
Grand truths about human behavior
Touchscreens have no hand
Public concerts: music always too loud?
Project management (Gantt) graphics
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The magical number 7, plus/minus 2
Microsoft CEO wants ET methods, not PowerPoint!
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Plagiarism in PP presentations
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Book design: advice and examples
Commencements: talks, degrees
Dappled light
![]() Edge Fluting
Airport maps and runway incursions
Sparkline > Steve Jobs > Andy Warhol in Google results
![]() Fudged photos: Mars, OJ, stem-cells . . .
Visual notation of bird songs
ET book - Data Analysis for Policy
Fitting models to data
Predictions and projections: some issues of research design
Two-variable linear regression
Fitting simple multivariate models


Graphics Press LLC P.O. Box 430 Cheshire, CT 06410 800 822-2454 or 203 272-9187 Fax 203 272-8600
All text and images at this website are copyright © by Edward R. Tufte or by original copyright holders. Material from this website may be reproduced only with the permission of the publisher, Graphics Press LLC.